Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pain Urinating Smoking

Sun, Seven, and even pizza again

Seven Easy, Piazza G. Motta 61, Ascona, 091 780 77 71
open every day, it's already going on in the morning at 9 clock with a wonderful breakfast

in Ticino spring has begun: the first camellia blossom types, you see even been one or the other magnolias bloom in sheltered spots, only my beloved mimosa need a few more days just like the forsythia.

We at noon today with Melanie and Andrew in Seven Easy had a date, had sunshine, sparkling wine - and pure - and our favorite table - mmmh, our's is sooo good!

The appetizer was gender-specific ordered: Crema di cipolle e aglio con Crostini al fegatino Tues volatile - onion-garlic cream soup with chicken liver crostini for men

Thus came the but not out of the kitchen - it is now known that Gerhard Peffer is a fan, and usually it's faster with the pepper mill when I was with the camera ;-)

And for the ladies Robiolino caldo con verdure alla Griglia e olive Taggiasche, Robiolinokäse warm with grilled vegetables and olives Taggiasca:

then had Gerhard and Melanie tagliolini alla chitarra al ragù di manzo e verdure, homemade tagliolini with ragout of beef and vegetables - photo, there is none, I was too busy with my pizza and wants to be eaten hot: Pizza Scoglio with clams, mussels, octopus, shrimp, prawns, tomatoes, garlic and chilli:

Andrea's Pizza did not look too bad: Pizza Carpaccio with beef carpaccio, arugula, parmesan shavings, truffle oil, tomatoes and mozzarella

is heroic, those who get after that one dessert:

Voilà, Ciocolatto - a warm chocolate cake with a melt-core

For Gerhard there was - how could it be otherwise - a homemade chocolate ice cream, which then receives on its very own chocolate-scale of 1 to 10, the Grade 7

For me, it was also the standard Dessert: Espresso corretto grappa - without photo ;-)


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