The American pay-TV channel Home Box Office (HBO) is a bank in the United States. As the first station of its kind he has far more money than his colleagues, which in turn is reflected in the quality of its products. Here were many excellent mini-series like Angels of America, Band of Brothers and The Pacific to drama series and critic favorites as Oz, The Sopranos (21 Emmys), Six Feet Under , Deadwood, Rome and since last autumn the Prohibition drama Boardwalk Empire . And if we may believe some critics, is one of the best series of all time to the flagship HBO: The Wire .
Although the show was in contrast to most of his colleagues both a transmitter Emmy and a Golden Globe failed, but it was clear to the industry magazine Variety : "When television history is written, little else will rival The Wire". The Daily Telegraph raised even series on a level with Charles Dickens and Fyodor Dostoevsky, which seems logical given that The Wire is now part of U.S. universities like Harvard to the lesson plan as the Second World War, or molecular biology. Its cause is so often proclaimed in the authenticity of the show, which is based on real experiences ("The story lines were stolen from real life") the series creator David Simon and Ed Burns. While Simon was
Although the show was in contrast to most of his colleagues both a transmitter Emmy and a Golden Globe failed, but it was clear to the industry magazine Variety : "When television history is written, little else will rival The Wire". The Daily Telegraph raised even series on a level with Charles Dickens and Fyodor Dostoevsky, which seems logical given that The Wire is now part of U.S. universities like Harvard to the lesson plan as the Second World War, or molecular biology. Its cause is so often proclaimed in the authenticity of the show, which is based on real experiences ("The story lines were stolen from real life") the series creator David Simon and Ed Burns. While Simon was
former crime reporter for the Baltimore Sun newspaper , Ed Burns was one of the homicide squad of the Baltimore Police Department. Their attachment to and knowledge of Baltimore, Maryland, at the same time Handlungsort Series are the pivotal point for the much-vaunted real painting of The Wire . For each of the five seasons, which together amounted to one socio-urban mosaic, focuses on another institution of the city, which is not in the regional slang called by some "Body More, Murdaland. Baltimore Sun in 2009 had in percentage terms in the U.S., the fourth highest rate both it came to serious crime and murder.

The next scene leads to a court case against D'Angelo Barksdale (Larry Gilliard Jr.). It is hardly as audience, seated on the left lonely Stringer Bell (Idris Elba), a neatly dressed, bespectacled African-American to the case, sometimes more and sometimes less attention follows. Opposite him sits down to McNulty, while a witness who will identify D'Angelo as the murderer, the presence of stringers is intimidated. Your report will be a fiasco for the prosecution, the case is thus doomed to failure. McNulty gets up and bends when walking down to Stringer and says, "Nicely done". There is another, the first season defining scene.
McNulty "got this fucking case in his well like it's cancer", in the words of his superior. And what makes McNulty, is the fact that he is a good cop. Sure, he has the typical characteristics of each film bulls: An ex-wife, with whom he is in the custody battle, and a drinking problem. But who has not, since even his partner, Bunk (Wendell Pierce), a trip to the pub after work is not averse. And where her unit manager Colonel Rawls (John Dorman) is just as happy playing cards safe as it does Daniels (career comes first and everyone is his own neighbor), Pierce idealistic investigators as McNulty and his new colleague Kima Greggs (Sonja Sohn) just out.
David Simon and Ed Burns told by two main parties. On the one hand, the police investigators are about to McNulty, who after the trial when involved "sneak" judge's order and ensures that it has a special unit against D'Angelo ominous uncle, Avon Barksdale (Wood Harris), and the drug trade on Baltimore's West Side called into being. The management of Lieutenant Daniels (Lance Reddick) is transmitted by the McNulty up later by his FBI contact man that he is corrupt. While all officers in the unit offset their new role a "penalty" represents, McNulty seems in his element - at least so long is the case.

The other side is again of Avon Barksdale and his drug cartel taken. Is Avon at the beginning nor an apparent phantom, of whom only heard McNulty, Daniels and his Commission on Narcotic Drugs but not received for the special unit in the third episode The Buys finally a face (which does not alter the fact that two of the - added more underexposed -. cops recognize him six episodes later in Game Day not yet Just as the Baltimore Police Department in the series opener The Target thanks McNulty is aware of Avon, Stringer reported to D'Angelos process of increasing interest to the police. And so begins the season of action.
In the courtroom scene we saw on the one hand, Stringer and it equates to about McNulty, and if both parties literally and symbolically a black and a white world, then the focus D'Angelo sitting next to a couple of other figures is certainly assign a gray area. His involvement in Avon's business, he later referred to with the words: "It's just what we do". So were already involved his father and another uncle, like his mother. However, it is designed specifically for D'Angelo more of a "it's what I do", because a "it's what I want to do". The fact that he has a conscience, is already in the second episode The Detail and then shown in isolation.
Other characters to act and forth and move in the gray zone. For example, D'Angelo "official" Wallace (Michael B. Jordan), who, like you see in the episode The Wire , sacrificially to the smaller guys in the ghetto: care (here project or terrace ). He supplied them with food, she sends to school or to bed. That even gangsters (even the fairly crappy) only people can also be seen at Wee-Bey (Hassan Johnson), has developed a seemingly absurd affinity for fish. But a deeper insight into the lives of Barksdale's crew in the first season an exception. Behind the (professional) the show facade looks rather to the members of the special unit.
However, here is many things (for now) but be touched. So the fact that Daniels was corrupt in the past is more likely to move him to at McNulty and the audience into the twilight, so the figure can be given a catharsis. Something unfortunate is the fact that - although it is commendable to write an official as homosexuals - but it looks so (McNulty referenced this in a scene even more special) as if only lesbians like Greggs can compete with the men in the police. Although the prosecutor (Deirde Lovejoy), one of the few women in the World of The Wire , their biggest role she has here, however, as Mistress of McNulty and also basic separation from his wife.
Beyond McNulty, Greggs and Daniels, the figure drawing then already more economical. While characters such as the previously useless Prez (Jim True-Frost), and especially Lester Freamon (Clarke Peters) are referred to the bunker as a "natural police", becoming more valuable, others as just Sydnor (Corey Parker Robinson), but also the dimwitted Duo Herc (Domenick Lombardozzi) and Carver (Seth Gilliam), remain largely left to supporting roles. A promising subplot by the very Herc and Carver to the Project-Teen Bodie (JD Williams) is even and eventually dropped against another subplot (which also then disappears for the time being) replaced.
Although the main plot of the series focuses on the investigation of the special unit against Barksdale interception by an eponymous, but The Wire is a show that is primarily determined by their characters. That a part Omar (Michael K. Williams), a kind of ghetto Robin Hood, who earns his living from it to attack other gangsters, and Bubbles (Andre Royo), a heroin junkie and police informant in retaliation, the most interesting and probably the most complex figures ( compared to Herc always). Why is it in the nearly hour-long episodes in effect, is not so much to bring the narrative forward (which does not mean that nothing happens).
fact that the show as a whole, considered a versatile and layered look at social and urban life casts should not be denied. By itself, the first season does not distinguish much from just any police drama like Southland , apart from the fact that it shows like this probably without The Wire not exist and they also preferred the appearance of police or flat (as in the case of The Sopranos ) restrict the criminals. Nevertheless, the first season certainly succeeded, with some sympathetic characters (especially Idris Elba's Stringer Bell is simply "too cool for school"), which - to develop - like the action in which they are involved.
8 / 10
One aspect that The Wire other HBO series such as True Blood different and the series so far certainly makes it one of the best products of the private broadcaster. Here, in the first season episodes stand out as particularly The Wire , One Arrest or Cleaning Up that make just such changes in the character and conduct or course of action clear. At the same time reiterates Simon and Burns' Show that there is still room for progress. After all, this has only been a mosaic of a larger whole. In this respect, it is true both for the development of the first season and for the series itself, if Sydnor in Cleaning Up says: "I just feel like this just is not finished".
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