Thursday, December 30, 2010
Car Starter Repair Cost
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Should I Pay For My Own Wedding?
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Republicans Acrosticpoem
A had 43-year-old Nigerian with a married woman having an affair. This resulted in twins - he has seen his now 5-year-old daughters, but never before. A mother and her husband decided the marriage (the legal father of the children was the fact) and actively pursue the resulting children. Then the couple the biological father refused any contact with his two daughters.
His appeal was dismissed by the District Court initially accepted and set a regular meeting of father and children. In contrast, the mother turned and was in all instances of German law, which made the father the contact impossible.
Today, with the decision "vs. Anayo. Germany" (Application no 20578/07) on Dec 21, 2010, now the European Court of Human Rights that such decisions violate the natural father and the children in their right to family life under Article 8 of the ECHR and condemned the Federal Republic of Germany to pay damages and reimbursement of costs.
The family communities were to protect , even if, as in this case, the father never had the opportunity to build a contact with the children. Because this is not lying to him, who always wanted to take care of his children, but for the mother or the couple, which made him any contact impossible.
As the lawyer of Nigerian, Rainer Schmid previously said, this ruling may have significant "impact on the family concept and the legal status of the natural father" in German legal practice.
Michael J Everton Divorce
Hello party people!
The last public appearance by DJ Dan in 2010 is large and is ... :-)
mess @ Roundhouse in Simbach:
"Tonight we celebrate Christmas in the proper times.
with many small and big surprises! "
You will be amazed ... ;-) I'm looking forward to seeing you and a phatt Christmas Party!
Powerpoint Trasvestis
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Dockingstation Für Yamaha Htr-6030
Gandini, of Swedish and Italian descent characterized Italy in Videocracy as "country, ruled by television" . And in fact the television is used for 80 percent of Italians as the primary information medium. Which suggests again that whoever controls the television, also controls the people. Little wonder that einprasselt has always been a certain amount of criticism on Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who at the beginning ward off this week before a confidence vote in the Senate and House of Representatives had to. With three commercial TV stations, and the state television RAI under his thumb, Berlusconi controls about 90 percent of Italian television. And so 80 percent to 90 percent of his people.
But "people love him," , Gandini white film report. Otherwise it can not even explain that the Prime Minister in is his third term. "Berlusconi is (...) a major leader" , told Italy's most influential TV Agent Lele Mara. It is true that the Prime Minister "not just Mussolini" in the Mara is otherwise a big fan - he even has a fascist video on his cell phone, which he proudly with the words "Pretty, is not it?" in the camera holds - but still a "great personality" . One can assume that Mara and Mr Berlusconi are, by you. Finally, the TV agent "the power to turn ordinary human TV stars' . And the TV star, it seems, is striving to become the most Italians.
The veline are primarily used in the news satire show "Striscia la Notizia" are used, are early 20s - one blond, the other brunette - and serve as a scantily clad optical incentives, backed by a 30-second dance, the stracchetto . For the role of a velina in Italy there is a separate casting - for large crowds. For one who velina is or was, can make it far. Former showgirls as Alessia Merz, Giorgia Palmas or Ilary Blasi are romantically involved with footballers. Blasi with national hero Francesco Totti, Melissa Satta again with former international striker Christian Vieri. The have it the veline particularly pleased that his side garnished earlier Elisabetta Canalis, but in the meantime has become the latest bed bunny by George Clooney.
A league above plays the ex-showgirl Mara Carfagna who once worked for Berlusconi's media company Mediaset and employed since 2008 as Minister for Gender Equality is (believe it or not). If you did not it better, we might all this a brilliant sitcom from Hollywood's dream factory with. Looking at it in Videocracy , but it seems more like one big Fremdschämfaktor for an entire nation. A nation that was a Roman Empire in ancient times an unassailable world power, and which now, some fifteen hundred years later, women relegated to half-naked dolls in a society where men still makers are and showgirls are passed as trophies often second-class football player.
Gandini so amusing film's content may be, is scenically Videocracy from a journalistic point of view somewhat amateurish. So just look Mara in each of his scenes treudoof into the camera, as if waiting for a speaking order. A little more information on branched Berlusconischen media landscape and what exactly for this, but also to democracy and opinion formation - and therefore the actual job of the press - ie, one would then integrate already have (the theme "Press Freedom" speaks Gandini in the first credit in a short insertion, without naming the source, an). This Videocracy is from a journalistic point of view but succeeded only partially, as a satire on Italy's media landscape, he maintains, however, well.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Little Toy Trains Tab
Hello everyone! :-)
between the four Christmas in Munich in the last week, where I and others, on E. ON Park Cafe and hww on Nockherberg in use, was still standing on Friday 12/10/2010 the annual Sternstundentag with the Bavarian Radio on the calendar. After I left in 2009 to just that day to my second tour on the AIDAvita in the Caribbean, I was a former BR staff at that time, unfortunately, not come to this World phone. So I took myself as a volunteer for this World 2010 as six hours - and this after only 3 hours sleep! * Yawn * The celebration on the night Nockherberg was spontaneously extended by two hours as the 160 guests were in the best party mood. Red Bull was I thank but wide awake on the trip to Munich. ;-)
It is always fascinating to what a high technical complexity of the BR in this fundraiser goes - and free. Such was this year a hundred notebooks with telephone alone in the foyer of Broadcasting House Munich. Another call center was operated in Nuremberg, was sent out in the evening and the gala great moments ago. In Munich, the concentrated power of Bayern 1, Bayern 2 Bayern 3, BR-classical, B5 gathered to date and the management of the BR. With this addition to many volunteers from the BR were also many volunteers, such as the Bayerische Landesbank, or my former boss Josef Spitzlberger, division manager of information technology and of course lots of celebrities. So in the first layer of sitting next to me totally sympathetic Prime Minister-parodist Wolfgang cancer behind me and Chris Bowman of the Bayern 3 hit show of the week . The Earl Dreher been busy on the phone, as well as Susan Rohrer (see picture) or Willy Astor . Star chef Alfons Beck took the other hand, only about ten minutes - for the photo shoot and a few shaken hands ...
The Earl Dreher Marcus Fahn and Bernhard Fleischmann good mood on phone donations.

Mister One-Hit-Wonder Ulli Wenger in an interview with comedian Wolfgang cancer.
The many callers on the phone were awfully nice, as every year and donated outright. So the work was really fun.
was allowed after a short lunch break and shift change, I change seats and now had the full view of the assembled team. In addition to the Bayern 1 Moderators Uwe Erdelt and Tilmann Schöberl Others were also radio director Dr. John Grotzky and state Rudi Erhard correspondent on the phone. Naturally were also my old friend from Bayern 3 at work. Weatherman Anzenhof Thomas (see picture), hosts Fritz Egner, Jürgen and Stefan Kaul Schwabeneder were in good spirits receive donations. And even more prominence was highly concentrated in working for a good cause, such as the super cute actress Ingrid Steeger or the Bavarian comedian Andreas Giebel . to
have for any nonsense - just right for a good cause: Highly concentrated
Moderators Jürgen "Kauli" Kaul and Stefan "Schwabi" Schwabeneder
on the phone - That this World Team 2010 -
and well within the 70's icon Ingrid Steeger. :-)
After nearly six hours of use for children in need I had unfortunately already on the way to make the next assignment as DJ for a Christmas party in Munich . After all, I brought together at my place 4550,-Euro for children in need.
total, there were 4.58 million € - many thanks to all callers and donors!
Next year I'm fully in any case, here again, no matter how long the party people want to celebrate before. :-)
your DJ Dan
Emoticon Lola Ciccone