was RTL How bad? Today "hypocrites on trial" The announcement a new banal
docu-soap on RTL "growing on trial" will have taken the most
a few weeks ago in passing. But for some there arose a murmur that swelled slowly to the storm. This understanding, if by "parents" is mentioned, is always just "mothers". And whoosh, with "Mothers on trial", because all the kids had to ring alarm bells. It was a heart attack on the pulse of the new German parent bliss.
hit in Bionade biotope. And then also in the commercial. There is the German parent (ökobewußt and 40plus) quickly became clear: Commercial = somehow despicable. Here, the "absolute sanctity of the German mother for vile Mammon in the lower classes-TV sold off!
However, "Mother on trial". No, that's not possible. This is worse than "highway". So the mother began breast to be absent, and brought numerous
parent associations in motion and the roped-er ... network of protest.
Everything opponents and rainbow propagandists called united in the mother's Cross train: "Forbid!" and "Quantcast" and "in jail". Midwives' combines sobbed in horror. Also, the Munich-based think-tank of the police child protection, uh youth department was hastily with his verdict on the spot, if such parents to take a brief separation recklessly, then the youth welfare office, the children ought to be better for always stored away in their homes. Now was the "hardest nut of the Nation" (yes,
with the stop sign ) no longer hold. Fight bravely, she lifted the child's well-
finger and called in the face of their voters that could display on any television with the RTL one, and finally had to immediately stop sign. Everything else was tasteless. Or something like that.
And now? Hmm, kind of boring. Deppert all the world's teens. Only a dead baby - and then also made of plastic. Since the real life mothers in Germany is quite different - much more realistic. As many more babies are really dead What a Motherland RTL never get the point. Stop sign over it. Well that we look away. Somehow, the mother cross-train more exciting than the docu-soap. So I have impressed this already struggling mothers. But it left open questions: Would prohibit the youth office immediately any "deal" - because, given the long separation times between the treatment days could indeed occur a massive child welfare endangerment and trauma? And because these children are separated from the main caregiver father and not even accompanied by psychologists and cameras? Or has this
DJI Lüders protests before, when asylum seekers are deported and fathers are so often separated from the final children? Or are attachment disorders in fathers and Foreigners not as bad as in German mothers? But that is not even shown on TV.
is certainly all the "struggling mothers. I'll find out once at my local mothers-hire.
a farce from the category: Habs while not seen like, but still have an opinion.