Growth Acceleration Act
increases due to the growth acceleration law of child support beyond measure
For families: increased child benefit and child tax
child tax 3 864 EUR for 4 368 EUR according to 13.04% plus
As a result:
Because of the sharp increase in child allowance is now increasing the statutory minimum so-called maintenance of the child. Although half the child benefit may be deducted from the minimum requirement, they must barunterhaltspflichtige fathers in 2010 significantly more child support . Pay
to 6 Age of 199 EUR to 225 EUR
of 7 to 12 Age of 240 EUR to 272 EUR
of 13 to 17 Age of 295 EUR to 334 EUR from 18
Age of 268 EUR to 304 EUR
Since the increase of 13% means a change of more than ten percent, is probably necessary in many cases a reason for an amendment claim for the reduction. Particularly in places where now occur in great numbers to new cases of deficiency. This can clarify any of his lawyer - and pay a consultation fee - and pay again for a possible action, since since 01/09/2009 is for maintenance obligations, duty lawyer. In this respect, it is a significant acceleration of growth enter in the attorney fees. Where in the economic crisis of short-working employee is expected to get 13% more income and still get aufgebrummt unnecessary legal fees, we consider questionable. We can see it in any event no economic value and have proposed the "growth acceleration law" to the word of the year.
Allen, which will now be brought in economic difficulties is to consider also advised immediately if they can make an application for spiking end ALG II. Maintenance payments are in fact under § 11, para 7 onto chargeable income. This application for handling costs and do not forget the single parent supplement. Just who previously already up to the deductible of 900 - has been scaled down €, there are good chances to take part in the acceleration of growth by a little back from the state obsolete. Perhaps then the odd, now mehrwertsteuervergünstigter, stay with the children in the border ski possible.
Terminhinwies: Next meeting of JSC "ALGII and handling costs" on Thursday, 14.1. at 20.00 clock
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Milena Velba Film Gratis
Til Schweiger father zweiohrkueken
According Berliner Morgenpost is Til Schweiger of .... " man trusted by his daughters, who hits the right tone in dealing with his quiet teenage son, who falls for the charm and the attachment of his well-behaved children. "
at 10:12:09 was Til Schweiger Interview with Markus Lanz (ZDF), as we see not only the new movie "Zweiohrküken" He spoke loudly of a common parental rights - and Nora Tschirner Members agreed there was tremendous applause .
According Berliner Morgenpost is Til Schweiger of .... " man trusted by his daughters, who hits the right tone in dealing with his quiet teenage son, who falls for the charm and the attachment of his well-behaved children. "
at 10:12:09 was Til Schweiger Interview with Markus Lanz (ZDF), as we see not only the new movie "Zweiohrküken" He spoke loudly of a common parental rights - and Nora Tschirner Members agreed there was tremendous applause .
Friday, December 11, 2009
How To Make Ur Own Waveguide Cover
PM Federal Justice Minister Leutheuser-Schnarrenberger
After ECHR custody ruling of 3.12. publish the Federal Minister of Justice quickly issued a press release in which it is reluctant to say:
"A mandated by the Federal Ministry of Justice scientific investigation, whether the motives of the legislature at that time still endure from reality, is unfortunately only available in late 2010.
The study of the German Youth Institute examines what life is like in non-marital cohabitation with their children. The decisive factor is how unmarried couples develop over time. And we want to know when and why, despite the possibility of common concern with sole custody of the mother.
The Court does not judge the abstract laws, but an isolated incident. Given the variety of legal and political opportunities, the Federal Ministry of Justice, the debate on legislative changes now carefully and run at full speed. "
One would therefore await further study and found to have infringed violate human rights situation first ....
The met now the process agent in the event fence Egger against Germany , Bielefeld's lawyer George Rixe with a public statement on his website:
" The decision becomes final after three months if neither party, the Grand Chamber of the Justice is calling. Then Germany obliged immediately to create a new legal regulation which ends the discrimination complained of by the Court. From the compliance requirement of Article 46 ECHR, the Court has consistently Court that sentenced the state must also prevent further violations of the Convention in parallel cases.
In view of the well by the Constitutional Court recognized the right of all children to raise and educate their parents, the legislature but not limited to the political space so far discussed Minnimalregelung judicial replacement of the mother's consent, but on the prevailing standards are based in Europe, after the joint custody of children born out of wedlock automatically from the hard standing paternity occurs . "
complete opinion from the site of lawyer George Rixe
After ECHR custody ruling of 3.12. publish the Federal Minister of Justice quickly issued a press release in which it is reluctant to say:
"A mandated by the Federal Ministry of Justice scientific investigation, whether the motives of the legislature at that time still endure from reality, is unfortunately only available in late 2010.
The study of the German Youth Institute examines what life is like in non-marital cohabitation with their children. The decisive factor is how unmarried couples develop over time. And we want to know when and why, despite the possibility of common concern with sole custody of the mother.
The Court does not judge the abstract laws, but an isolated incident. Given the variety of legal and political opportunities, the Federal Ministry of Justice, the debate on legislative changes now carefully and run at full speed. "
One would therefore await further study and found to have infringed violate human rights situation first ....
The met now the process agent in the event fence Egger against Germany , Bielefeld's lawyer George Rixe with a public statement on his website:
" The decision becomes final after three months if neither party, the Grand Chamber of the Justice is calling. Then Germany obliged immediately to create a new legal regulation which ends the discrimination complained of by the Court. From the compliance requirement of Article 46 ECHR, the Court has consistently Court that sentenced the state must also prevent further violations of the Convention in parallel cases.
In view of the well by the Constitutional Court recognized the right of all children to raise and educate their parents, the legislature but not limited to the political space so far discussed Minnimalregelung judicial replacement of the mother's consent, but on the prevailing standards are based in Europe, after the joint custody of children born out of wedlock automatically from the hard standing paternity occurs . "
complete opinion from the site of lawyer George Rixe
Saturday, December 5, 2009
English Poems Generator
fence Egger against Germany: Press links
Press reports the ECHR ruling of 3.12. (Fence Egger, Germany..):
Süddeutsche Zeitung : Father's Day in December
ARD : More custody for fathers n-tv : unmarried father discriminated mirror : Germany must not discriminate against unmarried fathers mirror : No more mom star: Court strengthens rights of unmarried fathers star: "courts are one eye blind Focus: single fathers hope to Strasbourg Time : "The law should focus on: fathers belong" SZ : end to discrimination SZ : Minister announces amendment to FR-online : Unmarried fathers can hope MZ : The fathers may now finally hope FAZ : Where's Papa? world : Court of Human Rights strengthens rights of unmarried fathers people voice federal government wants to rights of unmarried fathers strengthen taz : custody is a human right Tagesspiegel : on hamburgers in the fathers Republic Abendblatt : slap in Strasbourg Cologne Rundschau : "No majority stake in child Südkurier : Great joy on court verdict Südkurier : backing for unmarried fathers Brigitte : EU ruling on the custody: jubilation for unmarried fathers Handelsblatt : European Court alleges Germany world - Debate : Custody for Fathers must rule be
Press reports the ECHR ruling of 3.12. (Fence Egger, Germany..):
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Ever Clear In Delaware
awaits verdict: Single father with custody of discrimination?
Unmarried fathers lose the separation of each voice for their children. The legal situation in Germany is clearly (and seen European backward). Only the mother alone can decide whether a father continues to play a role in the lives of children play and joint custody is replaced. Many fathers do but accept this. Therefore Horst Egger fence, a Cologne father has complained several years ago. Back in 2003, his request of OLG Köln with reference to the laws was abgeschmettert. Now, finally, the European Court of Human Rights tomorrow, Thursday, 3 December 2009, when ruling announce.
Active Papas demand: to Equal parenting from the beginning: Joint custody from birth
Unmarried fathers lose the separation of each voice for their children. The legal situation in Germany is clearly (and seen European backward). Only the mother alone can decide whether a father continues to play a role in the lives of children play and joint custody is replaced. Many fathers do but accept this. Therefore Horst Egger fence, a Cologne father has complained several years ago. Back in 2003, his request of OLG Köln with reference to the laws was abgeschmettert. Now, finally, the European Court of Human Rights tomorrow, Thursday, 3 December 2009, when ruling announce.
Active Papas demand: to Equal parenting from the beginning: Joint custody from birth
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Mysore Mallika Blue Filim
ECHR custody: This time, Father's Day in December
Heribert Prantl:
Father's Day in December
"The illegitimate children however, there is a strict monopoly mothers. This monopoly is now probably be rejected by the European Court of Human Rights. It will require Germany to open his father, even against the will of the mother access to joint custody.
children are not pawns in the hands of mother or father -. That will have to be the motto for the new custody "
Heribert Prantl:
Father's Day in December
"The illegitimate children however, there is a strict monopoly mothers. This monopoly is now probably be rejected by the European Court of Human Rights. It will require Germany to open his father, even against the will of the mother access to joint custody.
children are not pawns in the hands of mother or father -. That will have to be the motto for the new custody "
Friday, November 20, 2009
Real Estate New Years Sayings
Violence Prevention: Opening of the first fathers of the House of Switzerland
At a media conference in Aarau, the President of the VEV, Oliver Hunziker today the opening of the! first Fathers House of Switzerland announced Cantonal police statistics show
it for years -. the trend to more and more male victims of domestic Violence is evident. Increasingly, men dare to speak about their experiences since the introduction of protective legislation, the police force will more often with women and Wife beaters.
Nevertheless, there is still only offering assistance for women affected by violence and not a single offer for men. Fathers who stay for the sake of their children in violent situations, men who do not know where to turn to - you could be so far helped by victim support agencies only advisory, real alternatives were absent.
"Either someone is a victim, or he is a man" - this quote from the German researcher violence Hans Joachim Lenz opened by the President of the VEV Switzerland, Oliver Hunziker today's media conference in Aarau.
With " ZwüscheHalt " is the VEV now is taking a bold step.
The Today's project includes a full-time counseling for fathers in difficult separation and divorce situations, but also a few rooms, for fathers, a break - a stop just - need or want to flee with her children from the violent partner.
The house, which is centrally located between the major cities of Bern, Basel, Zurich and Lucerne in the canton of Aargau offers up to 10 people shelter. For day care is also provided, as for expert advice about how to proceed. A ring of professionals is ready to intervene if necessary and to offer further advice.
no coincidence that the VEV chosen this day for the announcement of his project, but the 20th November, the UN Kinderrechtstag.
"come first for us, the children," says Oliver Hunziker, and stresses that there are many cases in which the level-headed parents need a refuge, not least to bring the children through the difficult situation. Hunziker Oliver emphasizes that, in principle, available space for women who are in the same Situation there.
André Müller, the designated head of the ZwüscheHalt adds: "We believe our offer is not in the trenches of the gender struggle, but we want to give our guests the necessary peace and distance, to then seek together with your partner for solutions." The was primary objective of the VEV and is the joint parenting - that is, the principle of the "Children need both parents"
And for this reason is also the ZwüscheHalt just that - a temporary solution for fathers and their children, a place what the next steps can be planned in peace.
any event, the press report:
first "house fathers" of Switzerland opens doors
needs Why it is a fathers house, Mr. Hunziker?
opens in Aarau soon first "Fathers house"
Switzerland: From women defeated fathers are now in the men's house protection
At a media conference in Aarau, the President of the VEV, Oliver Hunziker today the opening of the! first Fathers House of Switzerland announced Cantonal police statistics show
it for years -. the trend to more and more male victims of domestic Violence is evident. Increasingly, men dare to speak about their experiences since the introduction of protective legislation, the police force will more often with women and Wife beaters.
Nevertheless, there is still only offering assistance for women affected by violence and not a single offer for men. Fathers who stay for the sake of their children in violent situations, men who do not know where to turn to - you could be so far helped by victim support agencies only advisory, real alternatives were absent.
"Either someone is a victim, or he is a man" - this quote from the German researcher violence Hans Joachim Lenz opened by the President of the VEV Switzerland, Oliver Hunziker today's media conference in Aarau.
With " ZwüscheHalt " is the VEV now is taking a bold step.
The Today's project includes a full-time counseling for fathers in difficult separation and divorce situations, but also a few rooms, for fathers, a break - a stop just - need or want to flee with her children from the violent partner.
The house, which is centrally located between the major cities of Bern, Basel, Zurich and Lucerne in the canton of Aargau offers up to 10 people shelter. For day care is also provided, as for expert advice about how to proceed. A ring of professionals is ready to intervene if necessary and to offer further advice.
no coincidence that the VEV chosen this day for the announcement of his project, but the 20th November, the UN Kinderrechtstag.
"come first for us, the children," says Oliver Hunziker, and stresses that there are many cases in which the level-headed parents need a refuge, not least to bring the children through the difficult situation. Hunziker Oliver emphasizes that, in principle, available space for women who are in the same Situation there.
André Müller, the designated head of the ZwüscheHalt adds: "We believe our offer is not in the trenches of the gender struggle, but we want to give our guests the necessary peace and distance, to then seek together with your partner for solutions." The was primary objective of the VEV and is the joint parenting - that is, the principle of the "Children need both parents"
And for this reason is also the ZwüscheHalt just that - a temporary solution for fathers and their children, a place what the next steps can be planned in peace.
any event, the press report:
first "house fathers" of Switzerland opens doors
needs Why it is a fathers house, Mr. Hunziker?
opens in Aarau soon first "Fathers house"
Switzerland: From women defeated fathers are now in the men's house protection
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Seafood During Pregnancy
papa picnic on the Forcki on Oct 10, 2009
Papa picnic - Papas meet dads with their children
Papa picnic on the adventure playground Forckenbeckplatz,
Eldenaerstr. 12, 10247 Berlin on 10
October 2009 by 12.00-16.00 clock with autumn program. In Stock
bake bread, make buttons, archery and many other games and special offers you can meet and establish contacts with other dads and children. In addition, kids can enjoy delicious fried potato pancakes and fresh juice ....
Active fathers today take much more responsibility for the children and do something with them. Whether they can live together permanently with them or take away from separation and divorce only limited contact with them.
Young Papas, Papas patchwork or segregation fathers - here you find the right person - if you can the stick on fire just stop. . . . for the child with her husband ;-)

Papa picnic - Papas meet dads with their children
Papa picnic on the adventure playground Forckenbeckplatz,
Eldenaerstr. 12, 10247 Berlin on 10
October 2009 by 12.00-16.00 clock with autumn program. In Stock
bake bread, make buttons, archery and many other games and special offers you can meet and establish contacts with other dads and children. In addition, kids can enjoy delicious fried potato pancakes and fresh juice ....
Active fathers today take much more responsibility for the children and do something with them. Whether they can live together permanently with them or take away from separation and divorce only limited contact with them.
Young Papas, Papas patchwork or segregation fathers - here you find the right person - if you can the stick on fire just stop. . . . for the child with her husband ;-)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Geographical Tongue Liver
Action 2: "abducted child - mother state looks away"
The second event of the series "abducted child, mother state looks away!" has just been completed successfully. With a large projector in the night of 24 25th August, the office building of the Berlin Staatsanwaltsch
aft visually decorated.
Disturbing questions with pictures of abducted Bianca and the request to determine finally.
In the presence of RTL and BZ threw a desperate father, Matthias Wrase an envelope in the service letter box of Mr prosecutors. Words "child kidnapped! COMPLAINT"
motifs from the projection to the prosecutor.

The second event of the series "abducted child, mother state looks away!" has just been completed successfully. With a large projector in the night of 24 25th August, the office building of the Berlin Staatsanwaltsch

Disturbing questions with pictures of abducted Bianca and the request to determine finally.
In the presence of RTL and BZ threw a desperate father, Matthias Wrase an envelope in the service letter box of Mr prosecutors. Words "child kidnapped! COMPLAINT"

motifs from the projection to the prosecutor.

Monday, August 3, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Isabella Pelle Creams Are Not Good
abducted child - mother state looks away, Father protests on Berlin's Victory Column
Note: The sharing and copying of images is not permitted .
"child captured - the mother state looks away" - State has no interest in investigating in single-mother - the child is indeed in the mother.
The father protested today at 1 , 2009, at 10:00 clock with a giant banner at the Victory Column in Berlin against the German authorities and prosecutors' failure to act unilaterally. Since 10/2007
is the child of the mother Bianca was abducted abroad - the prosecution has closed the investigation because of "lack of public interest." Interpol investigated Argentina seeks, Brazil looks, Sweden investigated - and calls for a living. Germany's asleep, "because the child was indeed the mother" - although no one knew where it was staying.

Note: The sharing and copying of images is not permitted .
"child captured - the mother state looks away" - State has no interest in investigating in single-mother - the child is indeed in the mother.
The father protested today at 1 , 2009, at 10:00 clock with a giant banner at the Victory Column in Berlin against the German authorities and prosecutors' failure to act unilaterally. Since 10/2007
is the child of the mother Bianca was abducted abroad - the prosecution has closed the investigation because of "lack of public interest." Interpol investigated Argentina seeks, Brazil looks, Sweden investigated - and calls for a living. Germany's asleep, "because the child was indeed the mother" - although no one knew where it was staying.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Melina Velbastreaming
Filmtip: "The disenfranchised father" - preview on 06/06/2009
The documentary "The father disposed of" by and with Douglas Wolfsperger runs from Thursday 11 June, nationwide in multiple theaters. Already there is a preview this Saturday in the presence of the director and the team. The evening will Knut Elstermann Culture presenter of a radio, RBB:
Saturday 6 June 2009, at 20:00
clock in the cinema in the Hackescher yards,
Rosenthaler Straße 40/41, 10178 Berlin,
cards every day from 14.30 clock on telephone number: 030 - are reserved 2,834,603th
! Movies also

The documentary "The father disposed of" by and with Douglas Wolfsperger runs from Thursday 11 June, nationwide in multiple theaters. Already there is a preview this Saturday in the presence of the director and the team. The evening will Knut Elstermann Culture presenter of a radio, RBB:
Saturday 6 June 2009, at 20:00
clock in the cinema in the Hackescher yards,
Rosenthaler Straße 40/41, 10178 Berlin,
cards every day from 14.30 clock on telephone number: 030 - are reserved 2,834,603th
! Movies also
Friday, June 5, 2009
Patricial Manterola Wedding
was RTL How bad? Today "hypocrites on trial"
The announcement a new banal docu-soap on RTL "growing on trial" will have taken the most
a few weeks ago in passing. But for some there arose a murmur that swelled slowly to the storm. This understanding, if by "parents" is mentioned, is always just "mothers". And whoosh, with "Mothers on trial", because all the kids had to ring alarm bells. It was a heart attack on the pulse of the new German parent bliss.
hit in Bionade biotope. And then also in the commercial. There is the German parent (ökobewußt and 40plus) quickly became clear: Commercial = somehow despicable. Here, the "absolute sanctity of the German mother for vile Mammon in the lower classes-TV sold off!
However, "Mother on trial". No, that's not possible. This is worse than "highway". So the mother began breast to be absent, and brought numerous parent associations in motion and the roped-er ... network of protest. Everything opponents and rainbow propagandists called united in the mother's Cross train: "Forbid!" and "Quantcast" and "in jail". Midwives' combines sobbed in horror. Also, the Munich-based think-tank of the police child protection, uh youth department was hastily with his verdict on the spot, if such parents to take a brief separation recklessly, then the youth welfare office, the children ought to be better for always stored away in their homes. Now was the "hardest nut of the Nation" (yes, with the stop sign ) no longer hold. Fight bravely, she lifted the child's well- finger and called in the face of their voters that could display on any television with the RTL one, and finally had to immediately stop sign. Everything else was tasteless. Or something like that.
And now? Hmm, kind of boring. Deppert all the world's teens. Only a dead baby - and then also made of plastic. Since the real life mothers in Germany is quite different - much more realistic. As many more babies are really dead What a Motherland RTL never get the point. Stop sign over it. Well that we look away.
Somehow, the mother cross-train more exciting than the docu-soap. So I have impressed this already struggling mothers. But it left open questions: Would prohibit the youth office immediately any "deal" - because, given the long separation times between the treatment days could indeed occur a massive child welfare endangerment and trauma? And because these children are separated from the main caregiver father and not even accompanied by psychologists and cameras? Or has this DJI Lüders protests before, when asylum seekers are deported and fathers are so often separated from the final children? Or are attachment disorders in fathers and Foreigners not as bad as in German mothers? But that is not even shown on TV.
is certainly all the "struggling mothers. I'll find out once at my local mothers-hire.
a farce from the category: Habs while not seen like, but still have an opinion.
The announcement a new banal docu-soap on RTL "growing on trial" will have taken the most
a few weeks ago in passing. But for some there arose a murmur that swelled slowly to the storm. This understanding, if by "parents" is mentioned, is always just "mothers". And whoosh, with "Mothers on trial", because all the kids had to ring alarm bells. It was a heart attack on the pulse of the new German parent bliss.
hit in Bionade biotope. And then also in the commercial. There is the German parent (ökobewußt and 40plus) quickly became clear: Commercial = somehow despicable. Here, the "absolute sanctity of the German mother for vile Mammon in the lower classes-TV sold off!
However, "Mother on trial". No, that's not possible. This is worse than "highway". So the mother began breast to be absent, and brought numerous parent associations in motion and the roped-er ... network of protest. Everything opponents and rainbow propagandists called united in the mother's Cross train: "Forbid!" and "Quantcast" and "in jail". Midwives' combines sobbed in horror. Also, the Munich-based think-tank of the police child protection, uh youth department was hastily with his verdict on the spot, if such parents to take a brief separation recklessly, then the youth welfare office, the children ought to be better for always stored away in their homes. Now was the "hardest nut of the Nation" (yes, with the stop sign ) no longer hold. Fight bravely, she lifted the child's well- finger and called in the face of their voters that could display on any television with the RTL one, and finally had to immediately stop sign. Everything else was tasteless. Or something like that.
And now? Hmm, kind of boring. Deppert all the world's teens. Only a dead baby - and then also made of plastic. Since the real life mothers in Germany is quite different - much more realistic. As many more babies are really dead What a Motherland RTL never get the point. Stop sign over it. Well that we look away.
Somehow, the mother cross-train more exciting than the docu-soap. So I have impressed this already struggling mothers. But it left open questions: Would prohibit the youth office immediately any "deal" - because, given the long separation times between the treatment days could indeed occur a massive child welfare endangerment and trauma? And because these children are separated from the main caregiver father and not even accompanied by psychologists and cameras? Or has this DJI Lüders protests before, when asylum seekers are deported and fathers are so often separated from the final children? Or are attachment disorders in fathers and Foreigners not as bad as in German mothers? But that is not even shown on TV.
is certainly all the "struggling mothers. I'll find out once at my local mothers-hire.
a farce from the category: Habs while not seen like, but still have an opinion.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Wher Can I Get A 427 Silverado Truck
Where does take a picnic next papa?
Current dates are:
On Saturday, the sixth June, from 14.00 clock: Berlin - Friedrichshain Park
On Saturday, the 13th June, from 14.00 clock: Goslar - Play at the hostel
Current dates are:
On Saturday, the sixth June, from 14.00 clock: Berlin - Friedrichshain Park
On Saturday, the 13th June, from 14.00 clock: Goslar - Play at the hostel
Friday, May 29, 2009
Using Triple Beam Balance Worksheet
The drama of the divorced fathers
If the report by RTL has not seen in Spiegel-TV, can trace parts of the broadcast on youtube:
direct links to Youtube: Part 1 and 2 Part
If the report by RTL has not seen in Spiegel-TV, can trace parts of the broadcast on youtube:
direct links to Youtube: Part 1 and 2 Part
Friday, May 15, 2009
Lakme Mascara Price In India
papa camp on Mössensee
From 21 - 24 May, again at Camp Mössensee our traditional place in the southern Müritz. A few days camping, paddling, sit by the fire .... Cost for camping fees and levies for our Sach-/Lebensmitteleinkauf. Please register if you still want to ride. Getting there is already on 20 May. There
A few pictures of the last few years under The Place is called Naturcampingplatz Mössensee and lies here.
From 21 - 24 May, again at Camp Mössensee our traditional place in the southern Müritz. A few days camping, paddling, sit by the fire .... Cost for camping fees and levies for our Sach-/Lebensmitteleinkauf. Please register if you still want to ride. Getting there is already on 20 May. There
A few pictures of the last few years under The Place is called Naturcampingplatz Mössensee and lies here.
Monday, May 11, 2009
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